

Conference of Irish Geographers, May 3rd - 5th 2002 At the Academy for Irish
Cultural Heritages, University of Ulster, Magee Campus.

Session on:
Historical Geographies of Atlantic Resistances and Irish Subaltern Politics

Recent work has emphasised the importance of Irish subaltern movements and
their connections with Atlantic routes and networks of radical ideas,
practices and experiences (Linebaugh and Rediker, 2000, Rodgers, 1996). This
session aims to bring together researchers working on the historical
geographies of Irish subaltern politics. It particularly seeks contributions
on the relations of Irish resistance politics to Atlantic networks and
routes of resistance. The session seeks contributions relating to multiple
forms of subaltern resistances. These would include the politics of labour
combinations and unions, of agrarian politics and secret societies, of
nationalisms, contestations of gender relations and the political activity
of marginal groups like travellers or migrant labourers. Contributions are
also sought on how subaltern struggles contested dominant spatialities and
ways of ordering environments and materials. The session seeks contributions
on the exclusions constituted by subaltern struggles, such as the
masculinities performed through particular forms of labour politics, as well
as on the forms of co-operation and contestation of unequal power relations.

Please send abstracts to Dave Featherstone, Department of Geography, Open
University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA by 15th March, 2002.

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