

The following is forwarded from the posting on the Ordnacemaps list,
and provides partial enlightenment:



The following information is courtesy of Omni Resources via the American
MAPS-L list.

Landranger  Specification Changes


Railways under construction  new symbol  solid black pecks (4mm length, 2mm
gap) without casing.

Freight lines  no differentiation with passenger lines main line track
multiple or single solid black line 0.4mm gauge.

Sidings  new symbol  solid black line 0.2mm gauge.

Rapid Transit Systems, tramways (except London Underground and Newcastle
Metro which will be treated as main line)  new symbol (previously used for
freight lines, sidings, tramways)  solid black line 0.2mm gauge with single
bars 1mm length, 4mm intervals. Distinctive names shown with hatched blue
background. Where system coincides with a main line, the main line symbol
will be used.

Preserved railways  when a standard gauge shown as main line symbol  when a
narrow gauge shown as rapid transit system symbol. Distinctive names shown
with hatched blue background.

Rapid Transit Systems, tramways stations  new symbol  black open circle
with yellow infill, all terminals and junctions to be shown, other
significant conventional stations will be shown (stations that can be
classed as
stopping points/bus stops will not be shown). Distinctive names will be
shown for stations in isolated areas. Where main line stations coincide
with rapid transit stations, both station symbols will be shown adjacent to
one another.


Primary routes  new symbol  shown to a conventional width in green, primary
routes under construction shown with solid green pecks, primary route
numbers shown in green.

Trunk roads  no longer depicted.


European Long Distance Path  where a European path is not coincident with
existing national trails/long distance routes, the link will be added using
the existing magenta filled lozenge symbol. Descriptions (e.g. E2) will be
added at each end of the route and at links not coincident with national
trails/long distance paths.

Forest Park Boundaries

Forest park boundaries will no longer be depicted with a yellow vignette
symbol, they will be shown using the Forestry Commission access two banded
purple symbol.

National Parks

National parks, in addition to the boundary symbol,  will be named on each
sheet containing the park.

Glass Structures

Prestige tourist attractions built of glass (e.g. Eden Project), to be
depicted with a black cross hatching. Buildings constructed of conventional
materials but with a glass roof (i.e. shopping centres) and glassed office
blocks will continue to be depicted with the buildings infill symbol.
Greenhouse/glasshouse will continue to bedepicted with a black cross
hatching. The legend description will now show Glass Structure.


Prominent radio/TV and phone masts, that are useful navigational aids will
be shown in position by symbol. The legend description will now show Mast.

Major Tourist Attractions

The distinctive name of major tourist attractions/places of interest and
holiday parks/villages/centres will be shown e.g. Legoland. Other tourist
attractions/places of interest and smaller holiday parks/villages/centres
e.g. Poole Pottery will be shown by the descriptive name e.g. Pottery.


Park and Ride Car Parks  new symbol  major park and ride car parks,
seasonal and all year

Gardens  new symbol  major gardens will additionally be named

Walks/Trails  new symbol

Visitor Centres  new symbol

Nature Reserves  new symbol

Golf Course  change to symbol  shown by blue flag symbol

Sports Stadiums

All sports stadiums that are open for visitors to tour, named with blue
background hatching.


Points not covered by the above:

(1) Why is the information available in North America but not,
apparently in Britain?!

(2) How is `access land' shown? Still by the purple?

(3) Are all categories of public rights of way shown?

(4)  What vegetation categories are shown?

(5) What contour interval is employed?

(6) What about national/regional cycle routes?

Some of these innovations (e.g. yellow infill for rapid transit
stations, park & rides) have already appeared on the 1:25,000
Explorers. In short, it is not what may be added which is important;
rather, what will be taken away?


Richard Oliver, B.A., D.Phil., F.B.Cart.S.,
School of Geography & Archaeology
University of Exeter
Exeter, EX4 4RJ
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