

Dear Colleagues:

Herewith the programme for the July 2002 conference on 'difference' here at
NTU. There follows a file containing a registration form. We hope very much
that the conference will be of interest.

The programme and registration form will also be available on our
departmental website in a week or so; I will send out the precise address

Best wishes

Bill Niven


'Ich will anders sein': Difference in Contemporary Germany


At the

The Nottingham Trent University

4th-6th July 2002


4th July

11.00-12.15     Arrival and Registration
12.30           Lunch
2.00-2.15       Opening of Conference
2.15            Plenary Session and discussion:
                William Donahue (Rutgers University, New Jersey)
                                'The Graying of the Red.' The repudiation of
'68er activism in (and beyond) Bernhard Schlink's Der Vorleser

15.00           Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Intercultural Literature
                15.00-15.30: Petra Gropp (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
                'Kanak-Attack.' Film und Literatur als Medien der
                Identitätskonstruktionen einer jungen deutsch-türkischen
                15.30-16.00: Charles Hammond (University of California,
                                Narrative strategies of representing
alterity: Ganz Unten and Kanak Sprak, a comparative approach

                Session Two: Contemporary Literature
                15.00-15.30: Alan Corkhill (University of Queensland,
                                Self-imposed difference. The writer as
outsider in Wolfgang Hilbig's novel Das Provisorium
                15.30-16.00: Henk Harbers (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
                                Perspektivierung und Relativierung  in Josef
Haslingers Roman Das Vaterspiel 

16.30                   Tea
17.00           Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Intercultural Literature
                17.00-17.30: Anna Campanile (Universität Köln)
                                'Stimme und Sprachkörper.' Figurationen der
Differenz im Werk Yoko Tawadas
                                17.30-18.00: Sabine Fischer (University of
Wales Lampeter)
                'Opium für Ovid.' Die Verwandlungsgeschichten der Yoko
                18.00-18.30: Antje Mansbrügge (Ain Shams University, Cairo)
                                Attacken vom Rand?  Strategische
Differenzkonzepte und erzählte Identitäten (Tawada und Zaimoglu)

                Session Two: Contemporary Literature
                17.00-17.30: Ruth Wittlinger (University of Durham)
                Representations of east and west in the 'Wenderoman'
                17.30-18.00: Andrew Plowman (University of Liverpool)
                                'Westalgie': Nostalgia for the 'old'West and
national difference in recent German prose
                18.00-18.30: Alison Lewis (University of Melbourne) 	
                                Gender, marriage and German re-unification
in recent German literature

19.00                   Wine Reception
19.45                   DINNER
20.45   Guest Speaker: Alec Hargreaves (Florida State University,
Tallahassee): Title of Paper not yet fixed

5th July

8.00            Breakfast
9.00            Plenary Session and discussion:
                Jennifer E. Michaels (Grinnell College, Iowa)
                                Afro-German and African women's voices in
contemporary German literature

9.45            Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Intercultural Literature
                9.45-10.15: Paola Bozzi (Universita' degli Studi di Milano)
                                Differenz und DissimeniNation: Zum Werk
Herta Müllers und Libuse Moníkovás
                10.15-10.45: Maike Ahrends (Ohio University)
                Turkish, German, and Beyond: Searching for 'Speaking Bodies'

                Session Two: Contemporary Literature
                9.45-10.15: Torsten Liesegang (Karlsruhe)
                                Subjektkonstitution und Generationsdifferenz
in der 'Neuen deutschen Popliteratur'
                                10.15-10.45: Katrien Vloeberghs
(Universiteit Antwerpen)
                                Normality, deviation and difference in
contemporary German children's literature

11.15   Tea and Coffee
11.45           Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Drama
                11.45-12.15: David Barnett (University of Huddersfield)
                                'Da draußen sind Hunderte von solchen wie
Sie einer sind'. The elimination of 'anders sein' in Urs Widmer's Top Dogs
                12.15-12.45: Jale Tümay (Sabanci University, Istanbul)
                Prejudice in the Works of Max Frisch

                Session Two: Issues of GDR Identity
                                11.45-12.15: Martin Blum (Okanagan
University College, British Columbia)
                                 Made in GDR: (Product) biographies,
identity and East German consumer culture
                12.15-12.45: Paul Cooke (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
                                Surfing for eastern difference. 'Ostalgie',
Identity and Cyberspace

13.15                   Lunch
14.15           Plenary Session and discussion:
                Chris Szejnmann (University of Leicester)
        German unification and involuntary marginalization of East Germans

15.00           Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Drama
                15.00-15.30: Birgit Haas (University of Bristol)
                                'Schon riecht der Fremde, wie ich, Gas.'
George Tabori and the aesthetic resistance against right-wing extremism in
contemporary Germany
                15.30-16.00: Mel Karpinski (Sheffield University)
                                Marginalisation and the mechanisms of social
ostracism: literary and critical reception of Kroetz's outsider figures and
                16.00-16.30: Gillian Pye (University College Dublin)
                                'Kein Platz für Idioten?' Outsiders,
boundaries and intellectual limitations in the contemporary 'Volksstück'

                Session Two: Issues of East German Identity
                                15.00-15.30:  Jonathan Grix (Institute for
German Studies, Birmingham)
                The structural and cognitive manifestations of East German

                15.30-16.00: Anna Saunders (University of Bristol)
                Today's young East Germans: Ossis at heart?
                16.00-16.30: Joanne Sayner (Cardiff University)
                                Bekenntnisse einer Zeitzeugin: Elfriede
Brüning's Und außerdem war es mein Leben

16.50                   Tea
17.15           Plenary Sessions followed by discussion:
                17.15-17.45: Friederike Eigler (Georgetown University,
                Beyond nostalgia and vilification: East Germany in recent
literary texts
                17.45-18.15: Teresa Ludden (University of Warwick)
                'Difference' in the works of Anne Duden

19.30           Conference Dinner

6th July

7.45            Breakfast
8.45            Plenary Session followed by discussion:
                Jane Wilkinson (University of Glasgow)
                                A 'different' theatre landscape? Centre and
periphery in the theatres of Lake Constance

9.30            Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Minorities and Cultural Norms
                9.30-10.00: Wolf Dieter Otto (Universität Bayreuth)
                                'Toleranz' und 'Leitkultur' in Deutschland:
Zur Kulturtypik eines aktuellen Diskurses
                10.00-10.30: Lerleen Willis (The Nottingham Trent
                'Bloß nicht auffallen.' Afro-Germans in the Federal Republic

                10.30-11.00: Ulrike Zitzlsperger (University of Exeter)
                                Aussenseiter in der Metropole: die
alternative Erschließung Berlins seit 1989

                Session Two: Women's Writing
                9.30-10.00: Helmut Schmitz (University of Warwick)
                                'Ich zähle als Differenz.' Barbara Köhler's
search for a non-identical subjectivity
                                10.00-10.30: Dagmar Voith (Rutgers
University, New Jersey)
                                'Du bist immer und überall ein alien enemy.'
Creating an identity through difference in Barbara Honigmann's novels
                10.30-11.00: Alexandra Heberger (University of Manitoba)
                                'It is not sexuality which haunts society,
but society which haunts the body's sexuality' (Maurice Godelier). Gender
differences as a social-political construct in the work of Elfriede Jelinek

11.25   Tea and Coffee
11.45   Plenary Session and discussion:
                Caroline von Oppen (University of Bath)
                                'Wer will schon nicht gesund oder normal
sein?' Normalization in contemporary Germany.

12.25           Parallel Sessions followed by discussion:
                Session One: Language and Linguistics
                12.25-12.55: Winifred Davies (University of Wales,
                The propagation and production of linguistic norms
                12.55-13.25: Michaela Gigerl (University of Bristol)
                Differenzierter Landeskundeunterricht ODER: Auf der Suche
nach den 
                ANDEREN Deutschen in DaF-Lehrwerken. 

                Session Two: Germans abroad...
                                12.25-12.55: Emily Jeremiah (University of
                                Nomadism, otherness, and the search for a
home: the poetry of Dorothea Grünzweig
                12.55-13.25: Alison Phipps (University of Glasgow)
                Unpacking the Travel bag: Germans on the Isle of Skye

13.45   Lunch and Departure

Further Information
Location:       The conference will be held at the Clifton Campus of The
Nottingham Trent University. Accommodation (en-suite) will be on-site, in
Peverell Hall. The campus is set on its own landscaped grounds with
University residences on site and the River Trent running at the back of the
campus. A location map of Clifton Campus is provided on the back page of
this booklet. It can also be found in a .PDF file on the web at:; simply click on 'Menu', 'Visitors and Alumni' and then
'The University Campus'.

Cost:   Charges will be as follows and are inclusive of conference
registration. It will not be possible to offer individual packages which do
not fit into the following categories: 

                                *       Whole conference, including
conference dinner and accommodation
                                (full rate)     £ 165.00

                                *       Postgraduate students   £ 135.00

                                *       Day delegate rate 4h July (including
lunch/refreshments)     £ 30.00
*       Plus evening meal       £ 42.50
*       *       Day delegate rate 5th July (including lunch/refreshments)
*       Plus conference dinner  £45.00
                                *       Day delegate rate 6th July
(including lunch/ refreshments) £25.00