

™çbzö¥þ·¥Š¨¬/Òr%j¹rýجrë,Š‰ìþˆ¿™çbzö¥þ·¥Š¨«ö§ƒ÷.–Û«dear collegues, sorry for the last messages, i'm writing from an 
Internet point, not from my PC. 
I know other two books: Grabmann, History of the Scholastic method, 
Nuova Editrice, Florence 1980;
Storia della Teologia nel Medio evo, vol. II, Piemme,Casale Monferrato 
1996, at the pages about Peter Lombard, with many bibliographic pages. 
Peter, in fact has his place at the roots of the Scholastic method. 
His "Summa Sententiarum" was the point of reference for the next 
Scholastic Theologians, and was a "best seller" in the medieval 
Theologic Universities.
Best wishes
Claudio Attardi
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