

    _BANaRAMA(sm): A Registry of Library Promotional Banner Pages_

   I am greatly interested in learning of candidates for inclusion in 
BANaRAMA(sm), my registry  established to serve as a resource for libraries who seek examples of banner 'ads' or scrawling or scrolling text ro promote library services, resources, or collection.

       BANaRAMA(sm) is located at:

      [ ]

    Current banner 'ads', scrolling text, refresh rotation, etc. in BANaRAMa(sm) range from the subtle to the sublime [:->].

     I remain interested in multimedia banner 'ads'  that include streaming audio and/or video .
[Think about the possibilities of streaming audio/video *library* banner 'ads'!]

/Gerry McKiernan
Scrolling Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011

[log in to unmask] 

          "The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Advertize It"
                                                With Apologies to Alan Kay