

Dear all

I suppose the main problem for us in Southampton is findspots.  A lot of
these are very inaccurately located on the ground; the original information
attached to the find often refers only to a road, park, or former village
(now subsumed within the city boundary).  Also, being an urban area, we have
a lot of them over a relatively small area.  So, if I plot findspots as
polygons, I end up with a lot of large overlying/overlapping polygons.

It would be useful to have findspot information plotted on the map layer as
polygons, but it really does get in the way of other monument types - no
matter what colours or symbols are used.  If I held the polygons on a
separate layer, at least I could easily turn that layer off to see the more
exactly located monuments.  But ....

I'd be interested to hear more about the tabs solution, although would
prefer to keep the link with the exeGesIS database functional.

Ingrid Peckham,
SMR Assistant,  Heritage Conservation Unit,
Cultural Services,
Southampton City Council,
Civic Centre,
SO14 7LP.
Tel: 023 8083 2850
Fax: 023 8033 7593
Email: [log in to unmask]