

I work in the WWW-Team at the university library here
at the university in Goettingen, Germany.  One of our
functions is the electornic publication of Goettingen
doctoral dissertations and habilitations (not required
but far less expensive than self / "vanity-press"
-publishing of about 100 copies, which is often the
only alternative for many).  In addition to two
library copies of the paper version, we require two
electronic versions:  one in the original format
(e.g., LaTec, WordStar, WordPerfect) and on in PDF (or
PostScript).  Our rationale is that we put up a
uniform, allegedly universally readable (PDF) version
on the web (on the one hand), and archive the original
version (for which the author has certified on paper
(n.b.) that it is identical with the paper version) as
insurance against system breakdown and obsolescence of
PDF.  (What we do not have, as far as I know, is an
archive of the software programs (LaTec, etc.)

  P.S.:  We charge a one-time fee of € 15 and release
the dissertation to all net users.

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