

I wonder if anyone else on the list has been approached by a company with a Welsh telephone number and calling themselves  'Inter-web Services' in regard to possible registration of dubious domain names?

We received a phone call from someone claiming to be an ISP who has  received an application to register  the two domain names:    and    - and was giving us a courtesy call just to see if we were happy for them to go ahead with the registration.

The obvious question is  why would anybody want to use such a name other than the organisation named?   We assume its some sort of come-on from someone hoping we'd  be willing to pay up some money.    Needless to say he will be disappointed - and may find himself in court should our good name be endangered!

BTW:  My belated thanks to all who replied to my earlier query  ( Consultants - Information architecture )  your contributions were very valuable and not only gave us some excellent food for thought,  but have also been shared with our  'powers-that-be'!

Richard King
Web Manager
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross
Madingley Rd.

+44 (0)1223  221 594 (B)
+44 (0)775   423 9022 (mobile)