

He didn't actually say *where* I should pass this... note it mentions 'us',
and then goes on to talk about Plymouth! Anyone else had one?


-----Original Message-----
From: don macnab
To: Jeremy Harmer
Sent: 10/01/02 19:21
Subject: RE:

Hi Jeremy,
Could you also pass on this message..

I have identified in the form of an excellent title
to head your internet/WEB promotion which could become
the popular point of contact for all university
business and activity.
You may not see it at the moment but for a serious
venture into university WEB business and marketing the
domain name presents
a popular and professional image for student
I know I don't have the tools and sponsorship to
achieve the sites full potential but I have realised
the enormous benefits and advantages for an
organisation to have a catchy, informative and
recognisable banner to market its WEB development
and promotion.
I believe the domain name will in time be worth so
much in terms of presence and may in fact be
invaluable as other universities strive for the same
In order to let this happen I must pass the domain
name on to the authorities who can make the proper
I therefore will only ask for compensation of the loss
to my business.
No one can put a value on an invaluable object but I
believe ?2500 would suffice for the work I have done.

Yours sincerely,

Don MacNab (Owner and Webmaster)