

Hi Rod,

> The imperial green ball is currently red but the CE is in working order,
> so I suspect Gav`s tricky script is flakey.
no it's not! look nooww..

although the script is a little flaky... ;-)
The system crashed recently which may have accounted for something..

Also our local dns reverse lookup is sometimes a bit flaky which causes
SSL to collapse since it doesn'r believe you are who you say you are..

> > (There are currently no links to the above URL. However, it may be
> >  used for publicity purposes in the same way as Gavin's UK map - so
> >  please mail me now if it doesn't represent you acurately.)
> >

to remind people - if you have a globus gatekeeper that works then mail me
the gatekeeper machine name and stick me on the grid mapfile (i promise to
be good) to appear on the map..
