

An fMRI story---
for each subject we performed three runs- each run was essentially
the same except for the order of conditions (blocks) was
counterbalanced.  I used Roger Woods tools to do my data pre-
processing and now have everything in 'analyze formate' -- I'm
intending to eventually do a random effects analysis but understand I
must first generate a fixed effects model --- QUESTION: Should I
concatinate runs so that I have one long session for each subject or
should I treat each run as a single session in my fixed effects model?

(for random effects)
 If I treat each run as a single session ......

I have 12 subjects - -  I end up with 36 sessions - is there any way to
create 'true' single subject contrast (incorporating the 3 runs) within
the fixed effect model or do I creat a single contrast for each of the 36
sessions that  will then be used in the random effects analysis?  If I
end up with 36 single 'session' contrast' do I need to then specify in
my random effects model that session 1,2,3 all correspond to subject
one or do I just work with the 36 contrast as independent measures?

Thank YOU - Thank YOU - THANK YOU - to whomever can help me
resolve these issues----