

I am stuck with two error messages in the Basic Model.

1). For the one-sample t-test, I selected one subject1_con_0001.img,
but got the following error message in Matlab:

SPM99: spm_spm_ui (v2.33)                          16:54:13 - 22/11/2002
???  Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in ==> c:\spm99\spm_spm_ui.m
On line 810  ==> bFI = [bL(1),bL(2:3)&~bL(4),bL(4),bL([2,3])&bL(4)];

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

2). For the two sample t-test, I selected subject1_con_0001.img and
subject2_con_0001.img, and I entered [1 -1] for the "[2]group"
But, I got the following error:

SPM99: spm_spm_ui (v2.33)                          16:55:13 - 22/11/2002
??? Error using ==> spm_spm_ui
unestimable condition effects

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

Any idea what's going on? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!

Yuki Chen