


I've a feeling that the buck stops with me with help on MarsBar. So, buck in

Second level analyses with MarsBar:

Two approaches:
1) Define the ROIs on single subjects; analyze with MarsBar; Run the Statistic
table command on your chosen t contrast, and extract the contrast value.
Repeat for each subject; run a single sample t test on the values for the
single subjects, maybe using SPSS.

2) Run single subject analyses on normalized data in SPM, and get the relevant
contrast images for each subject; define ROI, then run MarsBar random effects
model with ROI, and using the contrast images for each subject for scans -
this is the standard SPM approach.

I hope that's clear, but please do let me know if not.

Could you give any more details on the problems with the m files?

Thanks a lot,
