

We have 7 new PhD studentships for this coming session, starting in October
2002, at CASA in University College London. 5 of these are linked awards -
CASE awards - from ESRC, one of which is for someone to develop
mathematical models of pedestrian movement in association with Intelligent
Space and ourselves.

The full list of awards and topics is on our web site at

We also have two awards for PhDs for which the stipend would be based on
part time computer support for the Department of Geography. Overseas
students would be eligible for these but we would have to negotiate with
respect to the overseas fees.

Anyone who is interested should contact either myself or Paul Longley
([log in to unmask]) or Sonja Curtis, our administrator
([log in to unmask])

Other items that may be of interest to those on this list relate to our
Notting Hill project with Intelligent Space for which there is some
information about the pedestrian model on the news page of our web site

and next week's seminar on GIS and Crime Science for which there are still
places open which is to be held in association with UCL's Jill Dando Centre
for Crime Science: again see our web site at

Mike Batty

Mike Batty
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
University College London
1-19 Torrington Place London WC1E 6BT
[t] 44 (0) 207 679 1781
[f] 44 (0) 207 813 2843
Breaking news from CASA at