

There are still places available on this training day for library

The first two modules will be offered in January, with the
third (on cataloguing) being offered in February.

1   Enquiry Skills (Morning Session)
    A course to help you answer reference enquiries with the minimum
    of fuss. We take  you through handling the reference interview, to
    a survey of Quick Reference sources, a look at subject guides and
    where you go from there, with practical examples and exercises.

*   Finding out what’s really needed
*   Quick Reference Sources
*   Subject guides and Encyclopaedias
*   Moving the enquiry on

2       People Matters (Afternoon Session)
    This module looks at relationships at work and how to handle them
    in a way which ensures you and those around you perform
    effectively, efficiently and happily together

*   Working in a team
*   All-round communication
*   Helping the customer
*   Emotions and conflict
*   Time management

Venue:  Bloomsbury Square Training Centre, London
Date:   Wednesday 29 January
Cost:   GBP 95 for each session.
Time:   9.30-12.45 (Morning session)
        1.30-4.45 (Afternoon session)

To reserve a place on this course please e-mail
[log in to unmask] with the following details

Course to be attended
Delegate name
Invoice address (if different)
Order no. (if required)
Any special requirements (dietary etc)

Ian Ledsham
Allegro Training
1 North End Farm Cottages
Alresford SO24 0PW

T/F: (+44) (0) 19 62 77 17 19
e-mail: [log in to unmask]