

Hi Maria, Chris and all those who took part in the - bush - story, I just
ran into this paragraph by Arturo Onofri, poet, in his New Renaissance - as
art of the Self. He says in different words what I wanted to say about
Nietzsche (I am translating from Italian):

From such premises I believe it will be possible to explain how and why - by
the best modern artists - the work of critical and theoretical consciousness
is so intimately united with the producing faculty of images, that it
becomes impossible to separate one from the other, in the living tissue of
their individual and progressive illumination. It is sufficient to do some
names, and I believe that on this point we will soon come to an
understanding: Novalis, Leopardi, Goethe, Manzoni, Wagner, Baudelaire,
Cézanne, Whitman, Flaubert, Rimbaud, Nietzsche, Ibsen, Verdi, Carpenter,
Tolstoi, Carducci, and also us, and all the young of a certain value, each
one in his own way, and in different degrees of intensity, all have
critically worked on themselves, trying to take consciousness of the tasks
of art and of the situation of man in the world.

I agree with him on all artists quoted, exception made Carducci, but maybe
because I don't know him that well.
Take care, Anny