

From: "Erminia Passannanti" <[log in to unmask]>

Subject: Re: What language?

The trouble I have with this is that it's (ostensibly) the beginnings of a
novel written by a native Italian language speaker currently living in

The problem (for me) is that it comes over more like an American in Oxford
with a slightly failed grasp of the difference between English and American
colloquial speech.

> Forget part of that:

Well, that's mostly an American locution.

> - Yes, fucking right, the same happened to me, lads.

Well, yes, the use of "fucking" in this context is pretty English, but it
does just a little jar against "lads".  A.E.Houseman meets William

> I moved to this
> country, England, between seven to nine years ago. It better be the latter
> end.

Eeep!!  +Totally+ the wrong register.  "the latter end" is English literary.

> I have no idea as to what kind of English I was exposed to, what
> mother-tongue? If you're expecting me to actually open my lips and
> physically utter the English idiom in the received pronunciation, you are
> fucking mistaken.


> Do I really give a shit?

Americans give a shit -- Brits give (or don't) give a fuck.

> I'm telling you...I've got
> whole shitload of other questions in my mind.

Again, "shitload of ..." is an wholly American locution.

[I'm not sure if there +is+ a Brit parallel to "don't give a shit".   'I
couldn't give a flying fuck at the moon', possibly.  And the difference
between shit (USA) and shite (UK), like the difference between "ass" and
"arse" [not simple variants] is pretty fundamental.)

> My only preoccupation is to
> grab my dinner... I fucking hate this I want to suffer bit of what other
> people here are going through bullshit...

Well, this jumps registers, from literary ("My only preoccupation") to
colloquial Brit ("I fucking hate"), then tucks in a thoroughly American
("bullshit") term.  Whaledreck?  Horseshit?  'Bullshit' is +so+ passé ...

>They tell me: you have a dead ear
> for English...

Well, now, I suppose it's legitimate to jump registers, but at least let's
know where you're jumping from, to.

> I better still fucking be in lala-dream land...

Telly Tubbies, anyone?

>my lips are so heavy,
> bitch, you boca took up six hours of prime time;

God, now we've got Mafia rappers speaking Perugian. Bocca, surely?  ...

> Utter the English idiom properly? Load of feces. It's fucking
> impossible....

Merde!!  Papa Ubu is showing.

... the problem I have with Erminia's piece is it makes no linguistic sense.
It +neither+ makes sense as a native Italian speaker mimicking Oxford
English, +nor+ a native Oxford (English) speaker.  The idioms are all over
the shop, but with a base of American.

(Yes, I +know+ we're all mid-Atlantic today, but still ...)

[If I were betting on The Heteronym Formerly Known As Erminia, I'd bet on an
American in Oxford, getting their Brit slang from books.

K, that was uncalled for.  I withdraw it.  Unequivocally.]
