

Which title I think is a moot conjunction.

I don't like to think about certain conditions of the former while re the
latter I've just been seeing this very middle-aged looking guy on a pop talk
program, who had receding hair dyed both blond and bright blue, whose name
was Johnnie Lydon i.e. Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, and was talking
defensively about his property interests in the US and attacking the fact
that ' tax-payers money' had been used to support the 'drug-crazed idiot'
Ozzy Osbourne who was featured at the recent Buck Palace fest.

Oh time, it slips us all along in its currents, and then we turn into what
we were not were.

This is obviously why Dostoevsky had problems with his trousers. After all,
after wearing them for so long .....



David Bircumshaw

Leicester, England

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