

Julian Burnside, unless I'm _very_ mixed up, is the barrister who
launched the challenge against the Federal Government's refusal to
let the Tampa refugees into Australia.  (The challenge ultimately
lost on appeal).  He's also behind the creation of a new theatre
space in the city this year.

It is an unsavoury picture.  The days when the Bulletin had "White
Australia" written on its cover seem to be returning fast... There
was a decade or two when it was not so bad, as I reflected the other
day as I took five 12yo girls into the city to see the Lord of the
Rings - one Italian, one Vietnamese, one Greek and two English; a
fairly typical urban collection of friends.



>Just to say there is a review by Melbourne barrister Julian Burnside
>in this week's TLS. The book is Melbourne University Press distributed
>by Eurospan in the UK at 23.50 pounds. The review paints a vary
>unsavoury view of Australian immigration policy from the early days.
>Douglas Clark, Bath, England           mailto: [log in to unmask]
>Lynx: Poetry from Bath  ..........


Alison Croggon

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