


>performance is often positioned in a separable
>relation to poetry  -  the poetry reading, slams and suchlike  -  whereas it
>can be understood as integral to writing and reading full stop

Yes, indeed. And of course I wrote "This poem" with performance in mind.
The reason I posted it to the list, with the associated request for
comments, is that I'm thinking of including in a set I'm performing in
NYC later in the year, with The Joy of Six.

In J6 performances, we often read parts of each others' poems, reducing
the influence of authorship and ownership. That has had interesting (and
sometimes surprising) consequences, such as forcing us to pay much more
attention to presentation and choreography and the like. The (written)
poem, in context, becomes only part of the (presented) poem. And the
(presented) poem is subordinated to the set as a whole. This happens
when putting together a collection, or even in a more conventional
poetry reading, of course. But to a lesser extent (usually) I think,
because we tend to foreground the effect.
