


I am looking for cases that could be studied, and would demonstrate that a design approach (not necessarily done by patented designers though) has contributed to the definition and shaping of future ways of living.

The cases might be old, it might even be nice, as the whole documentation might become available; and it is not required that the product/service was put on the market and became successfull, as long as one could say that it became influential.

I would be very happy if people would also bring up cases besides the technofreak world (I mean, besides Philips design visions or these kind of things). Things that would have to do with public health, education, societal issues such as violence, alphabetization, etc are welcome. And of course environmental ones as wellŠ
In the same way, it doesn't have to be product design, but services,architecture or graphic design are equally interesting to me.

I would prefer cases within Europe (for documentation purposes only), but please feel free to send me whatever cases you have in mind, and I'll dig my way to the info if I am interested.

You might as well reply off-list.



Jean Schneider
Monplaisir / 09700 Montaut / France.
Phone : (+33-0)5 61 69 21 44 / mob : (+33-0)661 350 357