

Hi Terry

thanks for your ideas.

the phd thing. yes, it is a research-oriented activity. no doubt, lots of new
skills to learn and sharpen. i agree. but i personally don't agree with the
conceptualization of the phd study solely as a learning-to-do-research activity. a
phd study to me is to learn to 'question'... that one becomes very critical of
things going on around her. that she won't take for granted what is considered
right, true or useful. in other words, she moves beyond her own ignorance or
dogmas that she inherits from the world  in which she finds herself.

and learning how to do research is not the same as learning how to ask critical
questions. ya?

the design knowledge thing. i think is a very serious question. i understand why
you think that the design knowledge (in the context and frame of reference that
you wrote about it) is a concept that can go. but....

the design knowledge thing that i understand clive talks about is of a different
kind. you might have completely missed his point. (or i might have completely
missed your point). i don't think that he is pointing to the internal
cognitive/emotive process of humans necessarily when he speaks of design

cheers. Rosan

Rosan Chow
Sessional Instructor

University of Alberta
Department of Art and Design
3-98 Fine Arts Building
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2C9

Fax: 1-780-492-7870