


"Chris RUST(SCS)" wrote:
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> >Are designers in the business of creating knowledge?...........Shouldn't one
> >kind of design research that educated designers" might plumb be concerned with
> >envisioning possible future realities.
> 1. "Envisioning" sounds to me like producing a form of knowledge.

Is it? This is what I am questioning. My view is that it doesn't matter
if it isn't, because it has a value (what you discuss may be part of
that value).

> 2.  The knowledge produced sounds more like a "hypothesis" than a "proof" and I
> feel that designers are better at asking such questions than in providing
> definitive answers.  Part of my purpose in my previous message was to suggest
> that we undervalue the question and the struggle to form it and this was one of
> the ways in which designers can play a part in research.

I agree that it might be conceived as hypothesising or postulating, but
I don't think this could be called knowledge.

> As an example, I know a designer working with clinical specialists in a field
> of medicine where they believe there is potential to provide new therapy for a
> difficult problem which affects a lot of people. Problem is, their aim is to
> identify (and test) promising techniques from some general principles - a
> substantial creative task - and the research establishment wants bids for
> testing well-defined discrete techniques.

Sounds an interesting distinction but I'm not quite sure what you mean.


Professor Stephen AR Scrivener
VIDE Research Centre
Design Institute
School of Art and Design
Coventry University
Coventry, CV1 5FB, UK
Tel:      +44 (0)24 7688 7477
Fax:      +44 (0)24 7688 7759
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