

The last face at Blenkinsopp Drift Mine in Northumberland has been
installed and has now started to coal with full production next week. All
headings have been stopped (one arcwaller and one Dosco
dintheader). Most of the men have now left and the mine will be
operated with a team of 29, including 6 rescue men. The last face is
due to be won out by July/August time leaving till October to dismantle
the buildings, plant, drift and the one remaining shaft. A little bit of
Northumberland history is to close being the last drift mine and the
only coal mine working a limestone roof. Will we in 10 years time be
asking 'has anybody got any photos of information about Blenkinsopp
?' There is so little information about the mines in this area and I bet
people travel along the A69 not even noticing they have passed (or
drove over) a coal mine. If anybody has any information or photos from
the pits such as Byron, Fellend, South Tyne, Plenmellor, Melkridge,
Lambley or Roachburn or dozens more around this area I would love
to see them.