

*With apologies for cross-posting*


The final report to the JISC, RSLP and The British Library on a Serials
Union Catalogue (SUNCAT) Scoping Study that was undertaken by Information
Power Ltd is now accessible on the Publications and Tenders page of the RSLP
website -

This public version of the report contains minor revisions to the text
submitted by Information Power. The revisions were made by members of the
SUNCAT Steering Group.

As you may be aware, the main purposes of the SUNCAT scoping study were to:

(1) validate the technical model proposed in a previous study -"Feasibility
Study for a UK National Union Catalogue" - that was undertaken by a team led
by the University of Sheffield (also available on the Publications and
Tenders page of the RSLP website);

(2) confirm the initial scope and boundaries of SUNCAT;

(3) estimate the level of funding required. (The sections of the report
dealing with funding are regarded as 'commercial in confidence' and are not
available in the public version of the report.)

The JISC and RSLP have agreed to fund the initial development of SUNCAT.
It is anticipated that the invitation to tender for the first two years of
development of SUNCAT will appear in the Official Journal of the European
Communities during August 2002.