

> "Edwards, Vicky" wrote:
> I now have two years experience in
> a professional post, but I have been told by my RLO that once you
> register you have to wait two years befor you submit the proforma
> (this would mean submitting it in Jun 2003), I also contacted the LA
> and they gave  a different response ("if you feel you have enough
> experience then submit it, if not then wait a few months"). I have
> spoken to other people about this and it all seems very vague. The LA
> Guidelines don't help either. If anyone has encountered similar
> problems or can offer words of wisdom then please let me know.

I asked about this when I first went on a registration course, because I
had two years' experience and had not yet registered.

I was assured that you can submit your proforma or PDR as soon as you
like after registration, as long as you have two years' experience and
your proforma or PDR covers those two years.  It has been known (I was
told) for someone to send their registration form, PDR and fee all at
once - but I don't think that is very practical!

However in my case I took another two years to do anything about writing
my PDR.... which by the way didn't get to be a New Year's Resolution but
a "I'll get it done before the end of 2001" resolution.  I posted it off
to the LA on my last day at work before Christmas.

Hilary Phillips
Assistant Librarian (Cataloguing)
Oxford Brookes University