This message is to draw your attention to a Special Session we are convening in honour of the retirement of Dugald Carmichael, to be held at the 2003 Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada - Society of Economic Geologists Joint Annual Meeting in Vancouver, May 25-28, 2003.

The title and description of the session are:

Convenors: Dave Pattison (University of Calgary), Marc St-Onge (Geological Survey of Canada) and Normand Bégin (Talisman Energy Inc.)

MAC coordinator: Greg Dipple (University of British Columbia)

This special session is in honour of Dugald Carmichael, his past and ongoing accomplishments, and his retirement from Queen's University.  The session title is inspired by Dugald's penetrating petrological insight complemented by his delight in the aesthetics of metamorphic rocks.  Although his contributions to metamorphic petrology have been particularly profound and lasting, Dugald has equally used the lessons of petrology to advance the understanding of geological processes at all scales.  His enthusiasm and originality have inspired colleagues and students alike, leading many into research careers in academia, industry, and government surveys.  This session welcomes contributions from the fields of metamorphic petrology, petrology integrated with structure, and orogenic processes, at all scales.  Oral and poster presentations are welcome.  Attendees interested in this session will also be interested in these other sessions: SYMP5, SS22 and SS24; and the field trip A3.

In addition to the technical session, we are planning to have a session-related barbecue (by some nice oceanside igneous/metamorphic outcrops, if possible).

It will be an egalitarian event, meaning no keynote or specially invited contributions. There has already been quite strong interest shown, so it could be a fun and stimulating time. If you think you might be interested to contribute, we would be most grateful if you could let us know so we can justify a generous time allocation for this session.

We are also entertaining the possibility of a Special Volume arising from the session. This would most likely be a special issue of the Canadian Mineralogist, in keeping with other recent retirement-related special volumes such as those for Hugh Greenwood and Ralph Kretz.

The Vancouver meeting has a modest (but growing) web site where you can find out more about the meeting:

May is a beautiful time of year in Vancouver....

Best wishes from all of us.

Dave Pattison   [log in to unmask]
Marc St-Onge    [log in to unmask]
Normand Bégin   [log in to unmask]
Greg Dipple             [log in to unmask]