Francois and all,
    I know of two papers specifically addressing F in garnet, one by us (Valley, J.W., Essene, E.J. and Peacor, D.R., 1983, Fluorine-bearing garnets in Adirondacks calc-silicates,  Amer. Mineral. 68, 444-448) and one by Craig Manning around 1990 or so.  These garnets are Ca rich but have only a few wt % F.  Fluorite doesn't require particularly high activity of F2 although it clearly indicates that F is in the rock.  One would also expect the phlogopite to be F rich as well.


        Would anybody know reference of works about F-rich garnets [in my case, up to 20-weight% of (F,OH), in equilibrium with CaF2, phg (Si<3,5), Ab,Kflsp,biot] ?
        Thanking you in advance for any help.
 ---François GUILLOT---
Univ. Sci. Tech. Lille
Labo. Sédimentologie & Géodynamique
Sciences de la Terre - bâtiment SN5
tel. ++33 (0) 320 54 22 41 fax   ++33(0) 320 43 49 10