

Hello everyone - I'm doing some research for NESTA (the National Endowment
for Science, Technology and the Arts) into Children's Palaces in China,
which aim to nurture 'gifted and talented' children.  I'm exploring the
relevance of the idea to the UK, so I'm finding out what's going on here.
Do any museums/galleries/etc cater specifically for gifted and talented
children?  Please let me know.
Thanks to everyone who responded to my 'babies and museums' request - I can
email the collected responses if anyone's interested.

Alison Coles
Project Manager, 'Centres for curiosity and imagination'
Kids' Clubs Network
Bellerive House
3 Muirfield Crescent
London E14 9SZ
Tel 020 7522 6978
Fax 020 7512 2010