

Hi Mark

I started playing with the schedule files in the way you described to me.
I tried to allow for only one degree of freedom e.g. scaling in the
However, the resulting omat was:
1  0  0  0
0  0.952213  0  3.0586
0  0  1  0
0  0  0  1
In my understanding of the matrix described in technical report about FLIRT,
scaling as well as translation in y was performed in this case. I guess
I was not able
to modify the schedule file appropriately which is attatched it to this

I hope, you can help me!

Thanks, Markus

Mark Jenkinson wrote:

>Dear Markus,
>I'm happy for people to try out their own schedule files.
>The documentation is in $FSLDIR/doc/flirt/schedule.html
>It doesn't really cover the paramsubset option (as it is
>the newest) but you have probably worked it out anyway.
>Basically the first number, N, represents the number of degrees
>of freedom you want, and then the other numbers are an Nx12
>matrix which specificies how these new degrees of freedom
>relate to the fixed 12 DOF.  Typically you just put a one
>in the appropriate slot, although things like global scaling
>involve several of the scaling parameters being set by one
>of the "new" degrees of freedom.
>The order of the fixed 12 DOF are:
>rotation x, y, z, translation x, y, z, scaling x, y, z,
>skew xy, xz, yz.
>As for the optimise command - you shouldn't need to play with
>that too much.  This is documented in the schedule.html file
>and the numbers simply represent offsets from the given point.
>Just use the schedule files I sent, but modify the paramsubset
>lines.  That should give you what you want.
>Also note that the schedule files I sent do not include an
>initial search phase, since this cannot, at present, be
>adapted to different degrees of freedom.  Hence the optimisation
>is essentially local (although multi-scale) - much like that done
>in other packages.  You can add perturbations easily enough
>though, like those in the standard FLIRT schedule, contained in the
>Best of luck,
>        Mark