

Hi there

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Qingyan Guan wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question about avwstats tool.
> I need calculator a brain volume. I used avwstats for volume calculation.
> >From its usage, I only can see the option of output. Is there any constraint
> for input image, which steps it automatically processed?
> For example, If I give a whole brain  3D image with skull and csf as input,
> does the output for volume include skull of brain, or csf?
> For the accuracy, should I calculator the white, grey and csf class
> seperatly, then add them up?

avwstats input -v

will just calculate the volume of the image - not the brain
i.e. if you have an image 256 x 256 x 42 the first output will perform
exactly that calculation = 2752512 voxels. The second output will be the
volume in mm^3 (i.e. it takes account for the voxel size).

avwstats input -V
calculates the non-zero volume. i.e the first output is the number of
non-zero voxels, and the second is the number of non-zero voxels
multiplied by the volume of a single voxel.

If you want to calculate the total brain volume, run Bet on your image
then run:

avwstats input_brain -V

and then take the second output (in mm^3)

If you want to exclude CSF from your volume estimate, run Fast on your
image. At the end volume fractions are quoted for each class.
I think the output will look something like

Class:          CSF             tissue 1        tissue 2        brain percentage
Volumes:        0.2              0.4              0.4              0.8

if you multiply  the total brain volume (as calculated above) by the
brain percentage quoted by Fast, it should give you a pretty good estimate
of brain volume. You can obviously calculate the volume of each tissue
type in a similar way.

Hope this helps
