

1) Migration Research Series N°11 - Journeys of Jeopardy:  A Review of
Research on Trafficking in Women and Children in Europe
Author:  Professor Elizabeth Kelly

In this report, Professor Elizabeth Kelly assesses the current state of
knowledge on the trafficking of women and children in Europe. She concludes
that despite the growing interest and concern, information on the scale of
trafficking, the methods used, and the most effective means to counter it,
remains limited. To advance our current knowledge, Professor Kelly
identifies a number of priorities for further research, including on the
structure of and the methods used by criminal groups, on state compliance
with relevant international law, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of
counter-trafficking initiatives.

This report was presented at the European Conference on Preventing and
Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: A Global Challenge for the 21st
Century, held under the auspices of IOM and the European Commission, in
September 2002 in Brussels, Belgium.

No. of pages:  69
Price:  US$ 10.00
Online contents:

2) The Return and Reintegration of Migrants to the South Caucasus:  An
Exploratory Study
This report seeks to study the process and results of the return of migrants
in South Caucasus and to assess the impact of their return on families and
communities.  The study was based on a sample of 3 categories of returnees:
those who returned with the assistance of IOM; deported migrants; and those
who returned on their own initiative.

2002 - 57 pages, softcover
Contents are available on the IOM website at

3) International Dialogue on Migration N°2 - Compendium of Intergovernmental
Organizations Active in the Field of Migration 2002

A wide range of institutions have an active interest and a role to play in a
variety of areas related to international migration.  These range from UN
agencies, international and regional intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
with formal membership arrangements, to informal international and regional
forums (notably the regional consultative processes) dealing with migration.
These institutions and processes play an important role in addressing the
increasingly urgent and complex issues of managing international migration.
The purpose of this document is to provide a schematic overview of the major
existing institutions with an ongoing focus on migration-related issues and

ISSN:  1726-2224
2002 - 209 pages, softcover
Contents will be made available on the IOM website

3)  International Dialogue on Migration N°3 - International Legal Norms and
Migration:  An Analysis
Due to the complexity of migration processes, the related international
legal norms operate on many  levels and have a wide range of addressees.
This overview of international law dealing with migration seeks to identify
the legal norms that constitute the framework of and for cooperative
management in the interest of states, their citizens, and interstate
relations. This report is an offprint and will serve as the introductory
chapter to a collection of legal research papers that constitute the bulk of
the wide ranging Expert Study that was carried out in 2002 in co-operation
among IOM, Institute of Higher International Studies (Geneva) and Migration
Policy Institute (MPI in Washington DC) and will be published in early 2003
by TMC Asser Press.

ISSN:  1726-2224
2002 - 56 pages, softcover
Contents will be made available on the IOM website

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