

<You say that the mainstream movie population
<wants to see movies of substance.  You say a lot of things, but you seem to
<back them up with your own mere opinion, claiming the audience as a whole
<shares your opinion.

Good point,

I read a lot of (rather negative) speculation on mainstream audiences in the
latest messages. I wonder if anyone has actually considered doing research
on mainstream audiences?
(Considering my question to the salon a few weeks ago on contemporary
research on (young) film audiences and the single reply I got (from someone
who even isn't on this salon, but recieved the message trough a friend)- I
guess not.)
Anyway, this approach would allow us to speak with a little more insight and
a little less speculative toughts. In my own research with young film
audiences, I have found a rich variety of ways in which adolescents
incorporate film (i.e. cinema-going, watching video/dvd, watching film on tv
and on the internet)  into their everyday life. They are film-literate and
though there concept of being a film buff does not correspond to our high
brow definitions of 'cinephilia', they are avid filmviewers, enjoying
mainstream films.

So please let's stop talking about "the audience" as an undifferentiated
mass of dupes.




Philippe Meers
Working Group Film and Television Studies
Department of Communication Studies
Ghent University
Universiteitstraat 8  B-9000 Ghent Belgium
tel ** / 32 / 9 / 264 68 92
fax ** / 32 / 9 / 264 69 92
email: [log in to unmask]
