

I was just about to suggest the Borges story "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis, Tertius."  It's highly appropriate.


 Catalin Brylla <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi Sam, sounds like a very interesting topic.

I have nos seen Mulholland Drive yet, but there are
some films that come into my mind, dealing with
alternative realities:

Brazil (the end), 12 Monkeys (the whole story) (Terry
Sliding Doors (Peter Howitt; two alternative realities
at the same time)

I know you are interested in films, but check out
Argentinian Writer Jorge Luis Borges. His short
stories and essays deal with hyperrealities. I am
almost certain that David Lynch is influenced by him.

Good luck,


--- The MOTHOR <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
> Hello there,
> I'm writing my dissertation on hyperreality and
> Mulholland Drive...
> I'd like to know if anyone can tell me whether any
> other filmmakers have
> depicted the disintegration of reality qu! ite like
> David Lynch did in
> Mulholland Drive...
> Lynch sort of invalidates the alternative realities
> with each other...making
> it near impossible for a singular 'reality' to
> actually exist as something
> separate and definite...
> Has anyone else ever done anything similar?
> Also, how can I get access to some of his short
> films? Is it possible?
> Sincerely,
> Sam Rees
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