

dear all

it is now 18 months since the digital preservation list was launched in November 2000.

In this time it has grown steadily in popularity and should shortly reach 800 members worldwide - well above my expectations at launch. It is also gratifying that it is the no. 1 resource for Digital Preservation in search returns on Google (based on links to cited resources) - for the curious the DNER preservation pages are currently at No 2 and the Digital Preservation Coalition pages at No3.

I would like to thank those individuals and institutions who have been occasional or regular contributors forwarding material for the list since launch. I hope many more will consider forwarding information on key developments as they arise in future.

This month we will be posting the first quarterly digest of "Whats New in Digital Preservation" a collaboration between the DPC and NLA. Feedback on the first digest and ideas for future development of the list will be welcomed.


Neil Beagrie                         JISC Digital Preservation Focus
Assistant Director                Secretary, Digital Preservation Coalition
JISC London Office,              Tel/Fax/Voicemail :+44 (0)709 2048179
King's College London          email:       [log in to unmask]
Strand Bridge House            url:  
138 - 142, The Strand,          email list:
London WC2R 1HH    
