apologies for any cross-posting

dear all

The board of the Digital Preservation Coalition is pleased to announce the Open University has joined the DPC as an associate member. Their membership brings to the Coalition further understanding of the challenges in preserving online and digital distance learning materials. I look forward to their involvement in the Coalition and would like to extend a warm welcome to OU staff who will be joining in our activities.

Neil Beagrie                         JISC Digital Preservation Focus
Programme Director             Secretary, Digital Preservation Coalition
JISC London Office,              Tel/Fax/Voicemail :+44 (0)709 2048179
King's College London          email:       [log in to unmask]
Strand Bridge House            url:            www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/preservation/
138 - 142, The Strand,                          www.dpconline.org
London WC2R 1HH              email list:  www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/digital-preservation.html
