

>>It is your responsibility to ensure that where, in the course of your
employment with xxx, you process data covered by the Data Protection 1998,
you comply with this legislation."

I would not like to have to sign this. As an employee, yes it is my
responsibility to comply with the legislation, but where I do not want to do
something that I feel falls foul of the legislation, then I am only able to
inform my employer that I believe that they are TELLING me to do something
that I believe breaches the act. If my manager tells me that I am not
breaching the act, despite my protests that I feel I am, then I have to do
what he demands if I wish to continue to work for them. So, to ask me to be
'responsible' for something that I am not in a position to control is, in my
opinion, an unreasonable term. I would be happy to be 'responsible' for
registering any perceived breaches of the act with my manager.

Janice Priestley

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