Dear All,
Hello and welcome to the new Cultural Diversity JISC list.  We are encouraging people who are interested in the issues of Cultural Diversity in it's widest sense to join the list.  This list has just only been set up, by and I have been in post for only two months so in the near future I will be updating it with all the exciting things we are proposing to do.  I will also be updating the list with various topical debates and headlines in order to get discussion flowing between members, can I also encourage you to invite other people to sign up.

To join the cultural diversity email list, go to the following website:

From this web page you can enter your email address, and you will then be a member of the list.  From the same page, you can look at earlier messages, search the archives and manage your membership.  You can give this web address to anyone that you think may be interested and they can join the list themselves.

Rajiv Anand
Development Officer,
Cultural Diversity

16 Queen Anne's Gate

Tel  :  020 7273 1475
Fax  :  020 7273 1404