

I'm Helen Brown and I've been working on a 3-month contract for the South
West Museums, Libraries & Archives Council to introduce and promote the
diversity festival next year. This has involved developing information and a
questionnaire to be sent out to museums, libraries and archives and
arranging a seminar to introduce the Festival.

The questionnaire was sent out to all the organisations on the SWMLAC
mailing list. It asked whether they were likely to take part in the
Festival, what they might do and what they might need help with.The response
has been good with replies from 74 organisations. Of these 21 are definitely
planning to take part, 26 said they would possibly take part and a further
27 said they would not. For many the questionnaire was the first they had
heard of the Festival and understandably several commented that although
they were likely to do something as they had only just heard it was too
early to provide full details.

A seminar was held to introduce the Festival on 6th September. Thisr
included a presentation by South West Arts about the Decibel project and
funding (through RALP bids, etc) and a taster session on marketing to
culturally diverse audiences by South West Arts Marketing. Some of the
issues raised by the questionnaire such as training needs, ideas for
cross-domain working and Œhow can small community museums/libraries or
archives in rural areas tackle issues of cultural diversity?¹ were also

Many of the organisations keen to participate were interested in finding out
more about writing a cultural diversity strategy. I would be interested to
hear of anyone who has come across a good trainer to facilitate such a
session, or hearing of museums, libraries or archives who have good examples

During the course of last year and early this year research was undertaken
by Lucy MacKeith and Kate Osborne with a view to preparing a report.  That
report, 'Embracing Cultural & Social Diversity in South West Museums' wil be
published by SWMLAC later this autumn.  Alison James has joined SWMLAC on a
part-time contract [from now until December] to see the document through to
publication. Please contact Martin Thomas at SWMLAC (01823 259696) if you
want further details of this.

Helen Brown

Cultural Diversity Programme Organiser for SWMLAC

01242 516438