

He Said Dacha, She's IT

knights in icebox--pique populi
to bits, mi casa roca--happy this
morsel that ate a puss before jump-
cut to bootblack my flakes once
frosted--foyer soaps bowl soft, puffs
I lent curly-q, being bred for entrap-
ment go on ahead, poor tout & laugh
elastic--a nexus formally known as
unknown, this cistern boasts, knocks
allures yet spots no cigars in clothes

your eyes cast under bailey's dun locks
bows on hospital corners round which come-
uppance pony trots attendant (set & match)
a sea tucks ado as much her story as his
to adore me, emu must sing the blues up-
state, twice over hand to mouth while
fibula's whore moans van ronk tunes abridge
the gulf with ribs to spare hammers, toes
trips down more lighter owed than suite
hotels if truth's booty--babe in sugar--
rues the day behind your own back--well

let them eat crow pie then sleep or slog
it off, split the diff in tarnation a la
vasectemy & blow indiana's top up or over
the kitty. sadie's credanza may be hocked but
toney the nosebag's not speeding on the side
streets now lest blinds drawn to beans are
old in dirty jelly (7-cum-11)--aw no, don't
shoot up the dealer, recycle or dich her,
nor bait me like that doc, no matter what--

Candice Ward (6/28/02)