

You might have done it already, but it could be useful to check the North Kensington and Chelsea Community History Group (eg Colin Prescott) to get some info on eye witnesses etc. They have collected a great amount of oral testimonies.
All the best

Dr Alda Terracciano
Founding Chair of Future Histories

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Lloyd Forster
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 12:23 AM
  Subject: BASA: Notinghill Carnival .In the beginning...

  I am quite surprised that the popularity and mainstreaming of carnival (Notinghill) has seen very little put out about it origins. In my initial research I was quite intrigued to the story behind it. My concern is that if the origins are not recorded and disseminated then we might in due course have a Notinghill Part (Hollywood) in which the festival would have been thought up by Julia Roberts on her way to Portobello market.... OK a bit far fetch.

  What was not so far fetched is why (according to Ken & Chels website) the Carnival has now been officially launched: Does anyone know why? Was the carnival for the past 38 years plus unofficial?There is the business of the papers about the Notinghill riots that were originally in for a 75year block (PRO) on release but are now released and its official: in the face of the evidence the Met strenuosly denied there was a racial element but not so according to eye witness accounts ..etc... .
  Then there's the Swedish wife of  a Jamaican who though nearly losing her life in process sparked off the riots on accounts of attacks by Teddy boys.This is 1958.
  Marika's book on Claudia Jones is important in all this.

  OK so I am hooked!

  comments  please. eye witness accounts old photographs etc.Thanks
