

'Make-believe of a settlement': Nineteenth-Century Venice
12-13 July 2003, School of English, University of Leeds

Plenary speakers: Professor John Dixon Hunt (Pennsylvania) 'The "ruined
garden" of 19th-century Venice: fact & fiction' and Professor Robert
(London), 'Ruskin, San Marco, and the Protestant Beholder'.
Abstracts are invited (no more than 300 words) for papers of 20 minutes for
this interdisciplinary conference on Nineteenth-Century Venice.  Papers may
address any aspect of the city's life, including the cultural, political,
social, architectural, economic, musical, artistic, literary, sexual,
horticultural, or material.  Papers on imaginative constructions of Venice
and on individual figures including Grant Allen, Rawdon Brown, Robert
Browning, Byron, Gautier, Augustus Hare, Henry James, Vernon Lee, Margaret
Oliphant, Ruskin, Verdi, Wagner are also welcome. All papers should be
delivered in English.

Abstracts, snail mail or email, should be sent, by 28 February 2003, to:
Dr Francis O'Gorman
The School of English
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Email: [log in to unmask]

Dr Francis O'Gorman
School of English
University of Leeds,
Leeds, LS2 9JT

Tel. 0113 343 4798
Fax. 0113 343 4774
CONFERENCE 12-13 July 2003
British Association for Romantic
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