

Hi Sue, I think this should go on the database
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Simon Judge 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 4:10 PM
  Subject: Speechmakers Project - Free software!


  We have recently started a project called Speechmakers - with the
  objective of designing software to enable communication and computer
  access.  The project is  an 'open-source' project and the software is to
  be released under a 'free software' license - in non techno-babble this
  means that the software will be developed by volunteers over the
  internet, be free to redistribute and free to download.

  This isn't pie in the sky - we have just released our first bit of
  software (free to download now).  This software provides automatic
  narration of PowerPoint presentations and may be of use to those who
  have difficulty communicating or for visually impaired users.  You can
  get it by following the link at the bottom of this email.

  This is very much a fledgling project - although we are now applying for
  funding to employ a coder to develop a core set of software which can be
  built upon by the volunteers. 

  One of the core values of the project (and of the organisation I work
  for) is that the software will be designed for specific needs - and this
  is one of the great things about Open Source Software - it allows
  innovation, experimentation and also a very straight line from the
  client to the designer. We have also obtained agreement from a prominent
  organisation to obtain feedback and advice on the software from their

  The software would be in three sections - input (e.g.
  on-screen-keyboards etc...), processing (e.g. prediction) and output
  (e.g. Speech synthesis)... this leaves massive scope for innovation and
  application of current technologies and research.

  Anyway, i'd be interested in opinions, criticisms, abuse, enthusiasm,
  offers of support, money, Nobel prizes, or any other comments... either
  to the list or direct email.

  Sorry for the long mail, hope y'all stuck with it and I have made sense.

  Best Regards,


      Download page:
      Discussion page:

  Interesting Speech Synthesis Demos: (some of these are
  a great improvement (?) on conventional windows SAPI or DECTalk - and
  implementing the code for these is probably on of the next parts of the

  P.S. This is a great mailing list, are there any others anyone knows of
  on similar subjects?

  Simon Judge
  Electronic Engineer MEng

  [log in to unmask]
  020 8770 8283
  8 Damson Way
  Orchard Hill
  SM5 4NR
  020 8770 8398 (fax) 
  Registered Charity Number: 269804
  Company Limited by Guarantee Number: 1214125