

Dear Colleagues,
 You may recollect my request to know if your HEI had an EO language
policy. I said I'd let you have the outcome.
I received 15 replies, 7 said yes, they had a policy, and 4 replied saying
no. The rest made comments or observations demonstrating commitment or
awareness but not a policy.
One said their statutes and ordinances had been revised to have gender free
language in 1988 and this had spread to other documents by custom and
practice. Another said 18 months ago the EO forum had requested that all
documents and publications should be reviewed for gender bias but nothing
much had happened. Another said they felt they should have one but did not.
I was also sent this quote: "The heightened awareness of language exhibited
by such groups as gays and
feminists is the intelligent response of the exploited or powerless" (Dick
My thanks to all those who took he time to reply. Berry