


You are in grave danger of a small beating from me
with the wet celery. This particular BMS is a member
of ACB as well as IBMS and I wasn't aware that we had
to post our qualifications to join in any Forum.

I know that several other contributors to this forum
are also BMS, but as you know I tend to be one of the
noisy ones. Don't you dare accuse us of being
apathetic because we are not constantly posting items.
We are all together in this dreaded NHS and accusing
colleagues of not caring is insulting and untrue. Many
BMS do not have access to the internet either at home
or at work. I'm lucky, but I know many colleagues have
to prise their consultants our of the office to log

Perhaps the reason that BMS don't spend hours on
Forums is because they are too busy doing the bloody

Hopping mad Jan Still
POCT manager and BMS,
Watford General Hospital,

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