

Dear Gordon

It will be the preofessional person who accesses the
bank. For example, if I browse the autocomments that
are on offer under ferritin (high & low), then I will
judge which of the comments are appropriate to my
practice. So autocomments for various anlytes, can be
donated by any practicing professional in the field of
clinical biochemistry. The spectrum of comments for a
low ferritin will vary from inappropriate to highly
appropriate, as judged by the individual practitioner
who wishes to use these comments. He/she may choose to
use one comment, a combination of comments or none of
them if he/she dislikes all of them.
The reason for this suggestion as you may have
figured, is the rising workload. Even putting a simple
autocomment that may add some value (without risk) to
our barebone numerical reports, is worthwhile.

Best wishes


 --- "g.challand" <[log in to unmask]> wrote: >
Dear Mohammad
> who's going to decide which auto-comments are more
> (or less) appropriate?!
> Best wishes
> Gordon

Dr. M A Al-Jubouri
Consultant Chemical Pathologist

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