

Dear colleagues,
For some while I have resisted pressure to adopt serum as the prime sample
type for routine analysis. We retain fluoride oxalate preservative for
glucose, lithium heparin anticoagulant for many other analytes particularly
electrolytes and use serum primarily for immunoassays.

The disparity between plasma and serum potassium is my particular concern
and yet I know increasing automation has meant that many labs have adopt

Bayer have recommended we move to serum to improve the quality of analysis
on their Advia 1650 analyser and also to help streamline sample processing
on their automated sample processing and tracking system.

Is now the time to concede?
What is the experience of mail base members?


Stephen P. Halloran
Consultant Clinical Biochemist
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road
Surrey GU2 5XX
Tel:- 01483 464121
Fax:- 01483 464072
Mobile 077 47 862 074

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Consultant Clinical Biochemist
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road
Surrey GU2 5XX
Tel:- 01483 464121
Fax:- 01483 464072
Mobile 077 47 862 074

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