

Just a brief word of warning if you intend to use this test in patients
who have had any surgical intervention. Protein S100 is found in some
extra-CNS sites - including subcutaneous fat. During surgery, traumatic
damage to this fat causes a rapid release of the protein into the systemic
circulation. This may (and has been) be misenterpreted as CNS damage.
Althought the protein is cleared renally, we have not found any
significant influence of renal impairment on plasma concentrations of
I think you'll find that the test is carried out at the Institute of
Neurology in London.

Andrew Trull, PhD
Clinical Scientist Grade C
Head of Clinical Pharmacology
Department of Pathology
Papworth Hospital
Papworth Everard
Cambridge CB3 8RE

Tel.: 01480-830541 (x4301)
FAX:  01480-364777

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Sharpe, Peter Dr wrote:

> Dear All,
> Does anyone know where I can get S100 measured?  AssayFinder is of no help!
> Peter Sharpe
> Craigavon Area Hospital