

At least things have improved in the last few years: I remember a case when I was an SR, where it was only after the 2nd revision of a CABG in a 45 year old that the cardiothoracic surgeons tested cholesterol and found it to be 17mmol/L.


Prof. Tim Reynolds,
Clinical Chemistry Department,
Queens Hospital,
Belvedere Rd.,
DE13 0RB,
tel: 01283 511511 ext. 4035
fax: 01283 593064
email: tim.reynolds@queens,
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: 31 January 2002 15:56
Subject: Re: advice/ NEQAS Case 111

You'd be surprised.  I frequently see patients whose revascularisation
predated the clear demonstration of the risk between hypercholesterolaemia
and FH - and even more worryingly, those whose didn't, but have
nevertheless not had a full risk factor analysis.
William M
At 09:37 31/01/2002 +0000, Grimes, Helen, UCHG wrote:
>What surprised me about this case was surely an 80 year old with a history
>of CABG would have been worked up at the time of this CABG, and would have
>been followed up, and if relatively recent would be on a statin. Even if he
>had been lost to follow up, surely the most important thing would have been
>to establish who had performed the CABG and when, what follow up there was,
>as the cholesterol would have to be interpreted in view of the history
>rather than been taken as an isolated event.Maybe he got so depressed on
>statins that he gave them up! Also how could you say his relatives were at
>risk, an 80 year old living relative is considered a "good risk" by
>insurance companies.
>Dr Helen Grimes
>Department of Clinical Biochemistry
>University College Hospital

From: Dr William J Marshall
Reader and Hon Consultant in Clinical Biochemistry
GKT School of Medicine
London SE5 9PJ

telephone:      020 7346 3275
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