

well, if it worked, it must have done something.  as for FG - try putting The Symptom, Jacques Lacan into any searchengine and an article should come up by Zizek...PM

>From: "david.bircumshaw" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Poetryetc provides a venue for a dialogue relating to poetry and poetics <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Fw: Föstudagsstær?fræ?i
>Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 16:52:39 -0000
>Yes, I'm with Lawrence on this.
>Frederick and I too have our differences but I don't think anything good is
>served by our butting our heads against each other. Really I'm quite tired
>of list fights: I want to talk poetry as much as possible.
>David Bircumshaw
>Leicester, England
>Home Page
>A Chide's Alphabet
>Painting Without Numbers
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Lawrence Upton" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 3:28 PM
>Subject: Re: Fw: Föstudagsstær?fræ?i
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "paul murphy" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: 29 November 2002 08:11
>Subject: Re: Fw: Föstudagsstær?fræ?i
>| I think that my opinion is worth something, but you obviously
>consider it to be worthless per se,
>no, you misunderstand, maybe that's my fault, maybe that's yours, let's say
>it's mine.
>we all think our opinion's worth something; and so it is to us personally
>that's why discussion is so valuable; it tests and give another side; too
>much rigour all the time is destructive in some contexts; none at all is
>worrying and dangerous
>an opinion is a starting point only; it depends what it's based upon; a
>statement of opinion without that is useless to the auditor
>you tell me your opinion without saying why you hold it - so I can't answer
>it - what's to answer? - and I can't build with it
>you accuse me of this and that as an opinion; and not only do I ask what's
>that worth, but and I go further and point that my opinion of you is equally
>but you ignore *that
>| which is why I refuse to take you
>seriously. I think that you want someone, perhaps Oxford University or the
>British Museum to pass you a little note reading, ´yes Murphy´s worth
>listening to, he knows Prof X and has sipped wine with Prof Z´.
>if stressed
> ride the hobby horse
>you dont need to make things up; i'm easy enough to mock fairly
>| These are
>the people you listen to, after that ratification is over you can then
>listen to them.
>which people? what ratification? i still think youre here to provoke and
>that's masking the fact that Frederick appears willing to let our
>differences lie. I missed that and apologise that I referred to him
>negatively and gratuitously in my last. dont be a stirrer; it won't work
>long term - it shouldnt have worked then

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